Friday, December 30, 2011


This is about the first sleep over in my whole life!!!!!!! It was a confusion at first because on Wednesday December 28th I thought it was Thursday but, boy, I was
wrong. I checked the calendar to see if it was Thursday but it said it was Wednesday. After that I kept checking the clock to make sure that I won't miss the sleepover.
Finally yesterday I went to Nate's house, Nate is my best friend. I came with Nate into his computer room then I took out my laptop and the web page was not even available, so we used Nate's desktop computer and played Star Wars the Clone Wars, Joe destructor and Zombotron. I liked the games because of how much cool stuff I get(Grenade launchers or coins that give you 25 or 100 more credits), it has a lot of great characters like the Bio bot in Zombotron.
Amy, Nate's mom gave me macaroni and cheese for dinner, it tasted excellent.
After dinner, I watched Nate playing the video games, Amy said that we should turn off the computer at 8:30 then we did turn the machine off. After the short period ended we brushed our teeth, changed into our pjs and went to bed. But we played with laser fingers. Laser fingers are these ring with colorful lights like blue or green.
We played the laser fingers by shining it on the ceiling pretending that they were like aliens invading earth.
The next day it rained when me and Nate woke up, Amy made us froysted flakes for breakfast. We went in Nate's computer room to spend some game period, after that us kids went to watch cartoons then in the end we played a lego battle. We finished the battle then I changed and Mom picked me up and that is the end. Of the sleepover.
I think this was the best time in my whole, entire life. And I want to have another sleepover at Nate's house. When I got home Kyle missed me because I was away for a night.

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