Monday, December 12, 2011


Nate and I are walking in the cold wet snow, we are talking about new year's eve. Nate suddenly asked are your parents going out for the winter? Then I say nope. Then Nate says do you have a resolution? Then I say Wait, It is a free year and I do not need a resolution?! And I am okay as I always am! It is a single chance to pick a new life! Or stop your life! Also take a resolution or leave It ahem... I know that it is a winter day and for your comment I am aggressive! Or fond. so what?! If I trip on a board ha! Big deal! That happened a lot of times!!! Hearing that makes me really,really,really,really sick of talking like a very bad, and dorky moron! The year uh.... I think I don't remember the conversation. Lets go to my home to play with lego battles and lets do Youtube. I am a expert at doing a Youtube video of course and a snack. So We go to my house and AAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I am slipping on slippery ice! I guess this is a time to hurt yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you not see the ice on the floor before? P.S. I like Clone Commander Kite. He is cool, so are you.
