Thursday, December 22, 2011


Baxter the family cat and I are sitting at the dinner table, Kyle, Mom, and dad are shopping and Tin-tin is sleeping on my bed. Tin tin is my dog. Then I say to Baxter: I bet you can never be like me relaxed. You are a cat and I am the owner. This time I am telling you a fact not an opinion, so you are that humbled and I am not humbled like you and I am a human you are a cat. And now can you nap? So you will stay quiet because you are noisy a lot did you know that Baxter? And you.......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Baxter is doing something! Hey no way! His legs are flat and the thighs are flattening and his tail is too! And I never knew that! Then now Baxter's ears a flat! Then Baxter is pumping up like a balloon! Now he is fine! Okay, Okay, I am humbled! Then the cat says Don't mess with the master. Then I say who is the master now?


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