Friday, December 9, 2011

ice on the road

It is a snowy Saturday and the whole world is white as a sheet of paper. Every time I take a deep breath a cloud appears in front of me. The wind blows in my face and I feel like that I am in a ice cube. The snowflakes in my neck feel like that I had been tickled.
I am shoveling Nate's driveway because I'm trying to make money to buy a pair of skis. It snows too darn much and I am almost catching hypothermia! Because shoveling the drive is hard work I should do something else. Then I am done shoveling the drive and I go on to Nigel's. Again how much he owes me? Why money can make people give you stuff? After all they are just paper with a special symbol printed on the top.
I should win some lottery then I can get a mansion and a car but I can't drive so I should hire a chaffuer.but mom told me that it is illegal to buy a lottery ticket under 18.
So what? Uh... I think I am done now. And Now I go to my drive and I shovel my drive quietly, so now I'm done and when I start to slip in ICE! Or.. AI! Ai! Ai! Ai! Ai! Ayeeeeeee! And WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! Oklahoma is worse than this when it snows, I am not doing this anymore! And... uh... whew! That was a close call, thanks to my balance I am fine! I go in and splat! I think I should have known my dog was sleeping by the door! And I told my dog a million times to not sit in the darn door's way!

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