Sunday, December 11, 2011

My father's dragon

This story is about a kid's father, in the beginning the kid's dad found an old cat in the alley when the father was a boy. The cat does not have a home and she wanted to live as a pet cat because that it was raining. So the father told the cat if she would like to live with him. The cat said that she would if the
father let her sit on the couch.  The father said yes. So they went home, but the dad's mother got shocked when she saw the old, stray alley cat. The dad asked his mother if she would feed him but she said that she would never feed the stray cat because she hated alley cats. So the father fed the cat himself instead. But one day the mother saw the milk saucer in the cellar and she whipped the dad and  threw the cat out the door.
The father found the cat and suggested for a walk then the father said that if he had a plane he would go anywhere he wanted to go to.  The cat said there was a poor baby dragon was slaved by a lot of animals on this island called Wild Island. So the dad went to a boat to save the dragon, the cat prepared some useful stuff he might need on his trip. Later in the night 2 sailors saw the bags of things that the father packed. The sailors saw a printed writing called cranberry. They thought the bag had cranberry's but it felt like wheat because the father was in the bag.
Later the dad landed on the island called Tangerina. He slept under a tree full of oranges. He saw a cute mourse on the bag when he woke up. Later he went to the Wild Island to sleep there, the next day he heard a voice, a boar voice, saying there was the greatest invasion ever, first some orange peels eaten by the dad, the mouse saying something about that and another pile of orange peels. That scared the father and he ran away. Then he met 7 tigers who wanted to eat him, and the dad gave them 7 packs of gum to chew until the color turned green so they can plant more gums. Then the father met a rhino who wanted to drown him, but the father gave him a toothbrush and a toothpaste to clean his tusk. Later the dad met a lion who wanted to save him for tea, but the dad gave him a comb, a brush, and some ribbons to make his mane neat so he could please his mom. Then he met a gorilla who wanted to twist his arms but he gave him and his monkeys some magnifying glasses to search for the fleas on him.At last the dad met crocodiles who needed something sweet to eat, and the dad gave them lollipops but he said that the crocodiles needed to make a line first so he could tie a lollipop on their tails. He crossed the river by walking on each crocodiles' back. Then the dad met the dragon finally and freed him with his knife and the all the animals were chasing the dad but he got away by riding the dragon and the animals got wet feet because the crocodiles started to swim away.
The part I really like about this story is the crocodiles having all the animals on their back. Because those animals are mean and it served them right. I think those animals will be eaten by all the crocodiles or maybe they will change and be nice to any dragons from now on. 

1 comment:

  1. The part I like most is the lion combing his hair and putting on ribbons, he became girly. From Kyle
