Thursday, January 5, 2012


Me and one of my new friends are standing in the rain waiting for the bus, now I am in middle school and I am 14 My friend is 12 years old. "Want to hear my dream"? I ask, my friend says "Ok"
he says. Ahem. I say so here is how it went: "I was dreaming in bed at night and there was this really cool dream, it was about me standing outside, my dad kicked me out the house, I wanted to go in but then I started flapping my arms and then I changed my mind of going in because I started flying in the air!! I laughed so hard that my tears came out and I saw the whole city of Palo Alto! Everyone in the neighbour saw me and started cheering and clapping! I also joined a pack of hawks... but my mother woke me up and said that if I do not wake up I'm gonna miss the bus so here I am standing in the bus stop waiting for the bus to come. Either... sigh, Tuesdays are always like this.

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