Sunday, January 29, 2012

Prisoner 9823

This morning when I woke up, I thought that the whole school vandalizing thing last night was just a very bad dream, but I found out that  it really happened last night. Because I saw the newspaper on the dinner table, SO it meant that basically I am a CRIMINAL. The first thing that startled me was that the guy that was shouting, HE had a camera and took a neat photo of Nathan and I. So that is the reason I was awfully quiet at breakfast. When I went to school, kids were only talking about the thing that happened here last night. After lunch, was even worse. The police CAME to school. Calling kids, one by one, down to the office. After Cameron Lu went back to class and told us that the principal had lie detector, it was this machine that could tell if the kid that  came to the office was lying. When a police officer hit  the " copy" button out would come a piece of paper. Saying something, But luckily the police cleared out when it was last recess, so I feel like we are off the hook.

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