Wednesday, January 25, 2012

blob monster attack part 2

As we can see Nathan and Matthew are in  danger from the blob monster. But surely Nathan was not going to fight the monster himself, he needed Matthew's help! But no weapon could stop this mighty monster!! But suddenly it started to bounce away. But it was going to return.... The next day it did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Matthew woke up and heard the cries of screaming people! A man said that the Creature was Huge!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matthew saw a trial of slime!!!!!!! But that was not it...  The police used rifles but still, earlier nothing can stop the evil thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! The monster grabbed the police but they used nightsticks to beat the monster but it just threw them into a house! Matthew thought of something but then the monster disappeared! And. it was floating in the air! It Was.. SUPERMAN!!!!!!!! He did it! He killed the monster with his laser eye and the monster never returned again.

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