Sunday, January 8, 2012

The funny farm

Sigh... I am very bored to death. am 21. and Tin tin my dog is chasing Baxter the cat. "Boy, I wish that I could join Baxter and Tin tin because they always have so much fun but... "Hey"! I could join them"! First was fetching Baxter took charge then said "Here"! "Fetch the stick"! Then It was chasing each other so started out like this: Bark! reeaar! Hiss!!! Now for the bonus one! The pet food contest!!!!!!!!!!!! I ate the food slowly but the dog and cat ate wildly!! now for the last one! Car chasing! We hissed barked and growled at the drivers, we did not stop until someone shouted, Dad!! "A Teenager, a dog and a cat are acting crazily"! Than the dad said "Pack your bags Franklin, we are definitely leaving this time"! Heeeyyyy... Isn't that kid the one I really hate?!

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