Thursday, December 11, 2014

Santa list

Dear santa,
This year for christmas I want the following:
1. Bat vs. bane tumbler chase
2. The bat boat: aqua man on ice
3. Lego batman 3 beyond gotham
4. a dog bed

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 2

Today, when I came home, the cat was in the couch. We played for a little bit, and he went to bed.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lego Marvel superheroes

The Lego video game Marvel superheroes is about the Avengers and others fighting against Dr. Doom, Loki, Red Skull, Dr. Octopus, Etc. How the story starts out, Silver surfer and Iron Man encounter a strange ship. Then, the ship opens fire. Silver surfer, somehow explodes into cosmic bricks.(Actually cosmic cubes). Meanwhile, at dr. doom's castle, turns out he managed to get a couple. Then, on his computer it shows a display of his henchmen. One of them unrecognizable.  Now, on to the characters.

1. Iron man Mark 6: Has flight, rockets, and unibeam ability.
2. Hulk: Possesses super strength, can turn back to Bruce banner, and can smash and lift objects that are green.
3. Spiderman: Has ability to change back to Peter Parker, web attacks, stick on to buildings, spider sense, and pull web handles.
4. Roxxon guard: Gun
5. Sandman: sand hammer, sand surf, and transform into cannon.
6. Captain America: Use shield pads for deflecting lasers, acrobatics, shield switch activation, and use shield block.
7. Mr fantastic: Can use Fantastic 4 pads, slide through grates, acrobatics, web handles. Technology panels
8. Dr. Octopus: 4 Arm attack.
9. Hawkeye: Bow, Web handles, explosive arrow, and arrow plug.
10. Black Widow: Stealth mode Acrobatics, Technology Panels.
11. Wolverine: Similar ability to spider sense, claw switches, wall scaling.
12. Iron man mk 42: Heat rays, unibeam, flight, and technology panels.
13. Tony Stark: Punching, and Tech panels.
14. Venom: Bigfig mode, web handles, spider sense, super strength.
15. Hulkbuster: Superstrength, rockets, unibeam, flight.
16. Iron patriot: machine guns, rockets, flight.
17. Abomination: rip up ground, strength.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Warriors #1 into the wild

My favorite series of books is warriors. It's about four clans of cats.  A clan of cats is a group of cats that live together and do different roles.  There many roles in the clan: apprentice, warriors, deputy, elders, and the leader.  Apprentices hunt for the clan.  Warriors fight for the clan.  Elders raise the kittens.  The Leader leads the cats and the deputy is a warrior who is second in command to the leader.  All leaders have star as their last name and all the apprentices have paw.

Into the Wild, the first book, there are four clans.  Shadow clan, the strongest clan. They don't care about what they eat, they eat whatever they can find.  River clan, invades the thunder clan the most.  There is also the Wind clan, who was driven out of their territory by Shadow clan.  And finally Thunder clan, the main character's clan.

The book revolves around the Shadow clan demanding the right to hunt in every other clans territory.  The River clan says OK, but the Thunder clan refuses.  A war breaks out between the two clans.  Fire Paw the main character leads Thunder clan in the battle against the Shadow clan.  Fire Paw begins as an apprentice, his mentor is Blue Star, the leader of the clan.  Fire Paw's best friend is Gray Paw, his mentor is Lion Heart, who dies in battle.  His other friend is Raven Paw, is mentored by Tiger Claw who betrays the clan and kills the old deputy Red tail.

That is the end of the blog.

By Kyle Li

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hammurabi's laws

Ever since the creation of the city Mesopotamia,  The place was ruled by an Assyrian named Hammurabi, the sixth Amorite king. He made a lot of laws, which many believed was fair. Anyway, now on to the laws,(There is 282 in total).

1. If a carpenter builds a house that is not sturdy and falls down on the owner, he shall be put to death.
2. If a slave says to his master, "You are not my master!" He shall have his ears cut off.
3. If a Son strikes his father, his hands shall be cut off.
4. If a slave attempts to escape and is caught, whoever caught and returned him shall receive a shekel.
5. If someone steals somebody else's child, he shall be put to death
6. If someone stabs out someone else's eye, that person shall also have his eye gouged out.
7. If somebody knocks out someone else's tooth, the same will happen to that person.
8. If someone is caught stealing he shall be executed.

I think that is enough, I think these laws are not good. Because instead of killing someone all because of a robbery, today's punishments is just putting him in jail.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Humans and their Stages.

Humans have evolved their height, their talents, and the way the've looked like for many, many, millennia. The first human to ever walk the earth lived in Africa, A hominid named Australopithecus/Lucy. It was only 3 ft tall, and died shortly after she was brought to earth. In 1974 Dr. Donald Johansen discovered her skeleton, and Johansen was the one who called the skeleton Lucy, because he was listening to a song With the name Lucy involved, plus Johansen discovered she was a female, one that ,lived 3 million years back. Now, the next human species ever found, was a bit taller. Not only were bones of humans found, but even art! In 1940, a group of mexican boys found a cave with a strange painting of bison, also, there was this one that had a very detailed bison, and a stickman that looked like a bipedal bird. It was probably art for a special event, or a tragic story, there were art of red handprints, similar to the ways of showing how somebody dies in one of crug's stories from "The Croods" A movie that will be released many years from now. Anyway, back to fossils, this fossil was found with tools. A human that was smarter, and bigger than Lucy. He was known as the Homo halibis. A human that used stone tools. Then, another one was called the Homo Erectus. Very big guy, he wielded very complex tools, like heavy stone axes, it was easy to get food. He was also found with others, which were the same species. So there is a theory that they travelled in groups, making getting food easier. Also, he was the first to use fire. Which made it easier to avoid disease, and eating meat. Soon on, Otzi was found in 1991. He was frozen and had an arrow sticking out of him. So he may have fought another tribe before he died. It was proven he lived in the ice age because he was more dressed than the other fossils before him. And the final stage is the Homo sapien sapien. The modern humans. Us.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Humans and the way they changed.

Humans have been living around, soon after the day the dinosaurs died out. The first human was a female, a belief is that this one was the reason humans and apes are related. Its name was Lucy, nicknamed by a scientist, because he was constantly listening to a song by the Beatles, a song named "Lucy in the sky with diamonds.". An unusual fact is, this fossil was only 3 feet high. But then, the next fossil was four feet high. This fossil, was believed to already evolved to have 2 free hands, letting it be able to  hold its young, find food and take it home easily, and defend itself without dropping its food. But then, the third one travelled in groups. Letting hunting down animals become easier. They also made tools out of stone. eventually, the ice age came. Humans started making warmer clothes out of animal hide, they moved to wearing leather shoes, and also, we should know about Ozti. The ice man. He was found in 1991 in an icy mountain, frozen solid. We believe he may have fought another tribe before he died, an arrow was seen sticking out of his shoulder. In fact, we found out he lived during the ice age because of his skin, and clothes. In fact, we have even seen art in caves that are still here today. This sort of art was found in mexico in the 1940s. By some boys. People were still shorter back then in WWII. If you go into a tank, the cabin is actually kind of narrow. So if you ask me, I guess people are going to be REALLY tall in the future.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The witches

Have you ever thought all of Roald Dahl's books were filled with excitement, humor, and surprises that were appropriate for kids? Think again when you have read a book called The Witches. The book starts off as a Norwegian boy at about age 8 raised by his grandmother(The boy's parents died from their car falling into a ravine.) who tells him about witches, how they exist, not like the ones we know of that wear black hats and cloaks, and ride brooms. Instead, the real ones are like real women, they look like them, they also have ordinary lives. Except with their children killing personalities, and a few differences from ordinary women:
1. They do not grow a single hair on their heads, so they wear wigs.
2. They do not have toes at the end of their wide feet, but they have to deal with wearing tight high heels.
3. They always wear gloves until they go to bed, they have fingers as curvy as a cat's.
4. Their spit is blue.
5. A clean child is very smelly to them. Due to stink waves.

Soon after, the boy is told about 5 children who vanished all because of the witches. 2 of them from a woman and 3 others with unknown reasons. But what they had in common was that a strange lady was always seen outside the house. And then, the next evening, before going back to England, his grandmother tells him about the leader of all the witches. The Grand high witch of all witches. A witch that actually has a mask. Concealing her rotten, scary, face. It is unknown where her lair is. But one thing is known that she is EXTREMELY high in money. The next day, they leave for England and they settle in their old house in kent. But then, the boy meets a witch. And he stays in a tree until past his supper time. Soon, in the easter holidays they go to hotel magnificent. And in the ballroom, he decides to train his pet mice. But the room is later, filled with women the boy later discovers that they ARE WITCHES! And he even sees the grand high witch! She comes up with the idea of a formula that turns people into mice! And then, A fat boy named bruno jenkins is the 1st victim. Then, the boy becomes the next one. But unlike how any other children would have reacted, he actually enjoyed being one. Especially with getting the mouse maker bottle. Later at dinner, he pours the entire content of mouse maker into the soup, later turning every single witch into mice. The boy and his grandmother later go back to Norway, where she explains to the boy about what the grand high witch's name and address was. And where she lived. And now, there would be a new ruler. But What will happen next? It will be a mystery.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Animal farm

Animal farm is a book that is written by the author George Orwell. It was a book Matilda,(Who you should remember in my last blog) read. What's more, it says actually pigs are the smartest animals on a farm. It also tells me that even animals could be very power-hungry. So the story begins by the oldest pig on the farm, old mayor gathers every animal on the farm, the pigs, the sheep, the geese, the horses, etc. He teaches them about a childhood song called "Beasts of England". A song about how it would be  like if  all humanity was gone. Including the cruel farmer Mr. jones. Soon after that,  old mayor dies 3 days later. And then, a rebellion planned by the animals starts. They vanquish Jones from the farm, and destroy his things. Then, they put up a flag denouncing the battle of cow's shed. A hoof and a horn printed on the green tablecloth flag. Soon, 7 commandments are put on the board.

1. Animals shall never sleep in human beds.
2. Anything with 2 legs=bad anything with 4 or flies,=good.
3. All animals are equal.
4. Animals shall not kill each other.
5. Animals shall not drink.
6. Animals shall never sleep in human beds.
7. No animals shall wear clothes.

Snowball, a pig sets up the schedule for when the animals get up, to when the animals go to sleep. And a long time later, snowball comes up with the idea for a windmill. But then, dogs charge in and chase out snowball into a hole. Napoleon, another pig then becomes the leader. But soon bad things happen as the windmill is knocked down, it is discovered something urinated in the drinking pool, many other bad things. And a few animals confess they were in league with snowball, whom was a secret agent of Mr. Jones and are slaughtered by the cruel napoleon. Soon, Beasts of England is banned, weird things happen on the board with the 7 commandments. And it changes to 5 commandments that are different than before! But the bad luck did not stop after that. Frederick, another mean farmer declares war on the animals, and many are killed, and the windmill burnt down. But the animals still fought hard enough to repel Frederick. Boxer, a hardworking horse known to say 2 things: "Comrade Napoleon is always right", and I'll work harder".was hit in the knee, and hoof. And his 12th birthday was nearing. But the cruel napoleon sends him to be killed. As he wants animals that can work still. But later, squealer, the pig that sends out the news says that boxer died in the hospital. Which was a lie. Man, pigs are smart but they are evil too! Years pass, and many animals pass away. Moses the lazy raven returns, and continues to tell lies about sugar land, a place in the high skies. Will the bad luck go on in the animal farm? Will the farm be able to survive? Will napoleon do more evils? Read the book to find out.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Matilda is a funny, and great book written by the author Roald Dahl. It teaches me a lot about that reading can take you to new places. It is about a five year old very smart and amazing girl who could already talk at age one and a half! But unlike any other parents, her mom and dad said she was a chatterbox, and how girls at age one should be seen, not heard. And a few other things that sets her parents apart from ordinary ones is, they hardly have any books, and they always eat dinner in front of the TV. Now, Matilda does these pranks on her family hopefully to teach them a lesson, and to teach them not to be so abusive towards their daughter. but maybe because of bad luck, they are only temporary, then she expects school to be different, but there is 200 pounds of a kid hating headmistress named the trunchbull, who picks on little kids including Matilda! Eventually, she finds she has a special power against the headmistress. What is the power? How will Matilda teach her a lesson? Read the book to find out.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

pokemon: mew and mewtwo

Mew is a pokemon that is actually a mythical pokemon. Its specialty is that it can use any pokemon move, so many believe it was the first pokemon to walk on the earth. it does not evolve from, or into any pokemon. Since its a mythical, and mythicals cannot evolve. Mew has a look-alike named mew two. The only mythical that was man-made. After scientists recombined mew's genes, mew two was made. It is a very ferocious pokemon, and is bigger than mew. But unlike mew, mew two cannot do every single move. And mew two is a legendary, not a mythical. I guess its because lots of people already know about mew two. I mean, it was man made!

Monday, June 2, 2014

pokemon: pikachu

Pikachu is a Chubby, Yellow black tipped ear rodent that is an electric type mouse pokemon. It evolves from pichu when leveled up with high friendship,  then evolves to raichu after exposed to a thunder stone. Along with meowth, pikachu is one of 2 of the most well known pokemon. Of course, as you pokemon fans should know,  Ash's pikachu has made his appearance in every single pokemon movie. pikachu is both male and female genders. Some other pikachu have also made an appearance, whether a wild or one the belongs to somebody.

A very very fun birthday at great america

Today when I went to great america, I did many very fun rides. The first one I did was the tiki twirl twice, it was very fun looking like we were about to be thrown off. And the line was very short, so we could go twice. The second ride that I did was the grizzly, which was a roller coaster I rode along with the gold striker, we even got to ride first row!  I thought it as a 4 3/4 because it almost felt like a 5 to me! Then we did the third ride, the barney speedway. I drove by myself while mom and Kyle drove together. Then, we had some drinks from our refillable cups. Mom accidentally crushed one of them because she didn't know it was not dishwasher safe, so we got a new cup. We then, tried the centrifuge,   it was very, very, dizzying and I got thrown around and around! After that, I needed a huge break because I was feeling very sick. After the break, we went to psycho mouse, a ride that was pretty fast. Then, we went to the woodstock's express,  it was very awesome. Soon, we had lunch. Hot dogs, chips, and nachos. Soon, we went on a gondola to the gold striker. A very fast and bumpy ride. I felt very proud I rode, and was not afraid at all! In fact, We even got dipping dots! Then, we went to the happy feet theatre, which was one of those motion theaters. Soon, we went home. I felt like it was a great day today.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Minecraft is a game that teaches you about wildlife survival, but it is very addictive, to warn you. The game has many items that can help you beat the game. Minecraft is a game made by notch. Some blocks are naturally spawned and some not. Here is how to download the game: First, you go to the website and log in using your email address and your password. I'm sorry if you do not have one. After you finish logging in, click the download button and check your downloads on your computer. And then click open and bingo! You have the game. When you go to the game menu, there are two modes of playing. One is single player, which means you play by yourself. And multiplayer, which means you can play with others. If you access singleplayer, you'll see you have no worlds yet. Anyway, when you spawn in a new world, you should start gathering wood, which then can make wooden planks. This is the crafting recipe:
 You will get 4 planks which is enough to make a crafting table. This block's purpose is to make all sorts of items like tools and its only difference is that it has 9 crafting slots and your own crafting area in your inventory has only 4 slots for crafting. Now, get some wood and put 2 wood planks on top of each other to make 4 sticks. Sticks are mainly used for making tools and weapons. Your first set of tools are wooden tools. With the pickaxe, mine 3 blocks of stone to get cobblestone to make stone tools with higher durability. Strange how regular stone can't make stone tools! Anyway, a trick to make tools repair again is crafting 2 of a same tool together. Be warned that this method can remove enchantments on it, so if your tool is enchanted and almost broken, DO NOT USE CRAFTING REPAIRS! Instead, use the anvil. The total objects used to make tools or armor are: Iron, wood, stone, diamond, gold, thats all. There also is chain mail, the one armor that cannot be crafted. You know, its pretty ugly. And also there is emerald, used only for blocks and trading with villagers. What the difference of these tools are that they have different durability numbers, with diamond being the highest. And the tools can  mine certain ore and other stuff. And with a block called obsidian being very hard to break, so hard that it can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe. And even that takes long to break. But obsidian can be useful for crafting the ender chest and enchantment table. And can make the nether portal, a ticket to hell. Interesting fact: obsidian is very common in the end because it is sort of black and purple. Same thing to bedrock, the most indestructible block that is at the end of the world.  Now multiplayer mode is a place where you have to type in a server address and bingo! You are in a multiplayer world. Unlike singleplayer mode, multiplayer has rules! Like you can't break blocks, there are minigames, no cheating  and if you pause, the characters still are moving! And a last thing about minecraft are skins. My skin right now is a Halo, and  minecraft skins can be in skindex, nova skin editor, skin craft, many places! In minecraft pocket edition, (A version of minecraft played on iPhone or iPad). You are just stuck with boring 'ol' Steve, the name of your default skin. But in Xbox, you can have 8 default skins or get some at the minecraft store! Maps and mods are also another important part of minecraft. Maps are games that can be games like parkour mostly. And mods, they install new mobs, new blocks, and even new weapons stronger than a diamond sword!!!!!!! Yes, minecraft is a very awesome game and is so different from every single other one you have played!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bridge To Terabithia

Book Report: Bridge to Terabithia
Matthew Li

Jesse Oliver Aarons is a boy that has trained all summer to be the fastest boy in the 5th grade to win the race at school. He has lots of imagination and is a fast boy. He made friends with a girl named Leslie Burke, who showed him the magical land of Terabithia. Leslie is a girl that has lots of imagination and showed Jess the magical land of Terabithia.

Jesse Aarons has trained a lot so he could win the school race coming up. But when the race started, Jesse was beaten by Leslie Burke. But then Jesse finds himself becoming friends with this new and strange girl. And Leslie teaches Jesse a lot about a land she made up similar to Narnia named Terabithia. A land that you get to by swinging on a very old rope hanging on a maple tree near a creak. Terabithia is an imaginary land Jesse and Leslie rule as king and queen safe from their worst enemies. Their life is perfect until a horrible tragedy occurs and Jess remembers on how much Leslie has taught him about this Magical land.

What I have learned is that You can make your Imagination look true and Friendship comes out of no where sometimes.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Steve Jobs

Have you ever used a Macbook computer, an iPhone. or an iPad and wondered who invented them? Hi my name is Steve Jobs, and I am the one who invented Apple devices. I was born on  February 24, 1955. I was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Then three years after I was born, My parents again, adopted a little girl named Patti. We lived in Mountain View, California. It was a place filled with beautiful fruit trees. I loved working on machines and watching my dad fix and create machines. In 1972, once I graduated from high school, I enrolled at Reed college in Oregon. But I was bored just after 6 months. So I couldn't pay for college. So I asked the dean if I could live in the Dorms and sit in classes for free and he said yes. I studied calligraphy and little did I know that this subject would be used in the first Macbook computer. I stayed at college for 18 months then I got tired of this college life.  I wanted to move to India, but I had no money. So I took a job at Atari, a company that made the first video games. My friend Steve Wozniak was working there already. In 1976, Woz and I had made a sample computer and named it the Apple because I ate a lot of fruit and thought the Apple was the best, and we were starting apple computers. Then in 1984, We introduced the Macintosh computer. Soon, in 1986, I left Apple and bought Graphic group, which soon made Toy Story. Then in 1997 I returned to Apple and then introduced the IPod in 2001. Then in 2007, I introduced the iPhone. I then, died of liver  cancer on October 5 2011. How I will be remembered is that I was the person who invented the iPod, the iPhone, and the Macintosh computer.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Steve Jobs

Hi, I will be really surprised if you don't know me, but since I look a little different today, let me give you a hint. I live not far away from your school. I revolutionized several industries in the world, computing, telecommunications, music and movies. I like eating apples. If you still don't know me, well I created iPhone, iPad and MAC. Yes, I am Steve Jobs and today I would like to share a few advice to the 5th grades.

1. Do what you love
People with passion can change the world for better. Life is too short for living someone elses's dream. And if you haven't found your passion, keep looking, don't settle.

2. Put a dent in the universe
 During seventies when only hobbyist knew what computer was, I believe I can put the computer in the hands of everyday people. So I formed the apple team with my friend Steve Wozniak to create a computer that everyday people would feel comfortable using. Eventually that led to the computer that changed everything - the Macintosh.

3. Connect things to spark your creativity
Creativity is just connecting things. I often connected things from different fields. For example I studied calligraphy in college which has no practical value in my life at that time. But I was interested and had passion about it. Later my calligraphy experience would find its way into the MAC.

4. Say no to 1,000 things
Innovation comes from saying "no" to 1000 things. This speaks to simplicity. That is why there is only one button in front of iPad and iPhone. Even 3 years old kids or 90 years old grandma know how to play iPad or iPhone. It is all because I always ask everyone including myself, "What can we remove?"

5. Master the message
You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can not communicate, it doesn't matter. So here I am, I am present in front of all of you to inspire you, educate you and entertain you, all just in 2 minutes. I like to present the words with pictures, so you will remember what I said with a visual image.
(show the picture of Steve Job)

6. Dream bigger
Dream bigger, see genius in your craziness. Believe yourself, believe your vision and come up with the ideas. Because it is those ideas that change the world.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

plants vs zombies doom shrooms

Doom shroom

Doooommmmmm! The big, bad, and destructive doom shroom is today's topic! Doom shrooms are single use instant, massive damaging mushrooms in pvz that are unlocked in a night level. Their sun cost is 125 sun. Making him the second expensive plant. Sometimes I say that doom shrooms are the most worthless mushroom. Like, his recharge is very slow, and he leaves a huge crater in the ground which can't be planted on! And if  you plant a doom shroom on a lily pad or a flower pot, that will disintegrate! ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH! But a special thing is that when the doom shroom is asleep, he will shake! Moral: be careful where  you plant doom shrooms.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Plants vs zombies 2 iceberg lettuces

Those black eyes make the zombies irresistible to eating it. Then freeze! goodbye! Today's plant that we are talking about is some pvz 2 plant called the iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuces are single use on contact plants from pvz 2 that are unlocked in ancient egypt mode. They are a lot like the icy ice shrooms from pvz 1 but the icy lettuce can only freeze one zombie at a time, and iceberg lettuces cost 0 sun. Same price as the grave buster which also is unlocked in ancient egypt. So then what plant iceberg lettuces are similar to are potato mines, plant that is also single use on contact, an interesting thing about icberg lettuces is they can freeze all zombies on the screen if they get plant food, making it useful for big waves. Another thing special about iceberg lettuces is they are able to extinguish torches from explorer zombies, but the torch can be relighted from fiery attacks. 

Iceberg lettuce

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Plants vs zombies cactus

Cactus Cactus going to protect us! Ground or air I don't care, cactus will just protect us! Today I am writing about this plant called the cactus. Cactuses are regular, normal damage plants that are one of the few plants called by their real life plant name. Their sun cost is 125 sun and they are unlocked in level 2  of the fog level. Something special about this prickly plant is they can shoot either ground or air  making the shots pop the balloons of balloon zombies making the cactus weakness 1 of the flying balloon undead,(Their other weaknesses are blovers and cattails.) Cactuses can grow very tall in real life but this one in pvz can  grow tall in the range of balloon zombies.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Plants vs zombies puff shrooms

Puff shroom

puff shroom! puff shroom! puffy puffy puff shrooms! Hey everyone, today we are talking about a mushroom from pvz which is named the puff shroom. Puff shrooms are small, short ranged and normal damage mushrooms that are unlocked in the aftermath of the final day level. They cost 0 sun. So this mushroom could be used in a lot of ways, like a full lawn of them, or even the pool filled with them, the only other plant that costs z sun in pvz 1 are sea shrooms. The 2 mushrooms have a lot in Common since they are unlocked in the end of a final day Level, both are cheap, short ranged, and Mushrooms.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Plants vs zombies 2 Spring beans

Sproing! Sproing! zzzzzzzz... Hey guys, today we are talking about this bean which is called the spring bean. Spring beans are springing Massive damage ridiculously costumed plants in pvz 2 that are unlocked in pirate seas lvl 11. Their cost is 50 sun, which is as much as their chili bean bros. Spring beans can spring zombies anywhere into the water, sort of like the umbrella leaf plants that repel bungee zombies. but every good plant has a disadvantage: Spring beans get sleepy after they Bounce away zombies, but unlike chompers, their attack recharge is shorter. Sprooing! I do not know how they are used in wild west or egypt, but My guess is they knock zombies into other lanes.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Plants vs zombies Hypno shrooms

Hypno shroom
Voop Voop Voop! A Hypno shroom's  hypnosis is irresistible! Oh anyway, today we are talking about my favorite mushroom called the hypno shroom. Hypno shrooms are Mushrooms in PVZ which cost 75 sun and can Make a zombie fight for you. Which is particularly useful if you have a football zombie on the rampage eating your plants. And the problem with Hypno shrooms is they cannot affect Zombies that drive cars or gargantuar zombies, or the Extremely difficult Dr.  Zomboss.