Sunday, August 17, 2014

The witches

Have you ever thought all of Roald Dahl's books were filled with excitement, humor, and surprises that were appropriate for kids? Think again when you have read a book called The Witches. The book starts off as a Norwegian boy at about age 8 raised by his grandmother(The boy's parents died from their car falling into a ravine.) who tells him about witches, how they exist, not like the ones we know of that wear black hats and cloaks, and ride brooms. Instead, the real ones are like real women, they look like them, they also have ordinary lives. Except with their children killing personalities, and a few differences from ordinary women:
1. They do not grow a single hair on their heads, so they wear wigs.
2. They do not have toes at the end of their wide feet, but they have to deal with wearing tight high heels.
3. They always wear gloves until they go to bed, they have fingers as curvy as a cat's.
4. Their spit is blue.
5. A clean child is very smelly to them. Due to stink waves.

Soon after, the boy is told about 5 children who vanished all because of the witches. 2 of them from a woman and 3 others with unknown reasons. But what they had in common was that a strange lady was always seen outside the house. And then, the next evening, before going back to England, his grandmother tells him about the leader of all the witches. The Grand high witch of all witches. A witch that actually has a mask. Concealing her rotten, scary, face. It is unknown where her lair is. But one thing is known that she is EXTREMELY high in money. The next day, they leave for England and they settle in their old house in kent. But then, the boy meets a witch. And he stays in a tree until past his supper time. Soon, in the easter holidays they go to hotel magnificent. And in the ballroom, he decides to train his pet mice. But the room is later, filled with women the boy later discovers that they ARE WITCHES! And he even sees the grand high witch! She comes up with the idea of a formula that turns people into mice! And then, A fat boy named bruno jenkins is the 1st victim. Then, the boy becomes the next one. But unlike how any other children would have reacted, he actually enjoyed being one. Especially with getting the mouse maker bottle. Later at dinner, he pours the entire content of mouse maker into the soup, later turning every single witch into mice. The boy and his grandmother later go back to Norway, where she explains to the boy about what the grand high witch's name and address was. And where she lived. And now, there would be a new ruler. But What will happen next? It will be a mystery.

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