Monday, September 1, 2014

Humans and the way they changed.

Humans have been living around, soon after the day the dinosaurs died out. The first human was a female, a belief is that this one was the reason humans and apes are related. Its name was Lucy, nicknamed by a scientist, because he was constantly listening to a song by the Beatles, a song named "Lucy in the sky with diamonds.". An unusual fact is, this fossil was only 3 feet high. But then, the next fossil was four feet high. This fossil, was believed to already evolved to have 2 free hands, letting it be able to  hold its young, find food and take it home easily, and defend itself without dropping its food. But then, the third one travelled in groups. Letting hunting down animals become easier. They also made tools out of stone. eventually, the ice age came. Humans started making warmer clothes out of animal hide, they moved to wearing leather shoes, and also, we should know about Ozti. The ice man. He was found in 1991 in an icy mountain, frozen solid. We believe he may have fought another tribe before he died, an arrow was seen sticking out of his shoulder. In fact, we found out he lived during the ice age because of his skin, and clothes. In fact, we have even seen art in caves that are still here today. This sort of art was found in mexico in the 1940s. By some boys. People were still shorter back then in WWII. If you go into a tank, the cabin is actually kind of narrow. So if you ask me, I guess people are going to be REALLY tall in the future.

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