Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hammurabi's laws

Ever since the creation of the city Mesopotamia,  The place was ruled by an Assyrian named Hammurabi, the sixth Amorite king. He made a lot of laws, which many believed was fair. Anyway, now on to the laws,(There is 282 in total).

1. If a carpenter builds a house that is not sturdy and falls down on the owner, he shall be put to death.
2. If a slave says to his master, "You are not my master!" He shall have his ears cut off.
3. If a Son strikes his father, his hands shall be cut off.
4. If a slave attempts to escape and is caught, whoever caught and returned him shall receive a shekel.
5. If someone steals somebody else's child, he shall be put to death
6. If someone stabs out someone else's eye, that person shall also have his eye gouged out.
7. If somebody knocks out someone else's tooth, the same will happen to that person.
8. If someone is caught stealing he shall be executed.

I think that is enough, I think these laws are not good. Because instead of killing someone all because of a robbery, today's punishments is just putting him in jail.

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