Saturday, September 6, 2014

Humans and their Stages.

Humans have evolved their height, their talents, and the way the've looked like for many, many, millennia. The first human to ever walk the earth lived in Africa, A hominid named Australopithecus/Lucy. It was only 3 ft tall, and died shortly after she was brought to earth. In 1974 Dr. Donald Johansen discovered her skeleton, and Johansen was the one who called the skeleton Lucy, because he was listening to a song With the name Lucy involved, plus Johansen discovered she was a female, one that ,lived 3 million years back. Now, the next human species ever found, was a bit taller. Not only were bones of humans found, but even art! In 1940, a group of mexican boys found a cave with a strange painting of bison, also, there was this one that had a very detailed bison, and a stickman that looked like a bipedal bird. It was probably art for a special event, or a tragic story, there were art of red handprints, similar to the ways of showing how somebody dies in one of crug's stories from "The Croods" A movie that will be released many years from now. Anyway, back to fossils, this fossil was found with tools. A human that was smarter, and bigger than Lucy. He was known as the Homo halibis. A human that used stone tools. Then, another one was called the Homo Erectus. Very big guy, he wielded very complex tools, like heavy stone axes, it was easy to get food. He was also found with others, which were the same species. So there is a theory that they travelled in groups, making getting food easier. Also, he was the first to use fire. Which made it easier to avoid disease, and eating meat. Soon on, Otzi was found in 1991. He was frozen and had an arrow sticking out of him. So he may have fought another tribe before he died. It was proven he lived in the ice age because he was more dressed than the other fossils before him. And the final stage is the Homo sapien sapien. The modern humans. Us.

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