Sunday, August 10, 2014

Animal farm

Animal farm is a book that is written by the author George Orwell. It was a book Matilda,(Who you should remember in my last blog) read. What's more, it says actually pigs are the smartest animals on a farm. It also tells me that even animals could be very power-hungry. So the story begins by the oldest pig on the farm, old mayor gathers every animal on the farm, the pigs, the sheep, the geese, the horses, etc. He teaches them about a childhood song called "Beasts of England". A song about how it would be  like if  all humanity was gone. Including the cruel farmer Mr. jones. Soon after that,  old mayor dies 3 days later. And then, a rebellion planned by the animals starts. They vanquish Jones from the farm, and destroy his things. Then, they put up a flag denouncing the battle of cow's shed. A hoof and a horn printed on the green tablecloth flag. Soon, 7 commandments are put on the board.

1. Animals shall never sleep in human beds.
2. Anything with 2 legs=bad anything with 4 or flies,=good.
3. All animals are equal.
4. Animals shall not kill each other.
5. Animals shall not drink.
6. Animals shall never sleep in human beds.
7. No animals shall wear clothes.

Snowball, a pig sets up the schedule for when the animals get up, to when the animals go to sleep. And a long time later, snowball comes up with the idea for a windmill. But then, dogs charge in and chase out snowball into a hole. Napoleon, another pig then becomes the leader. But soon bad things happen as the windmill is knocked down, it is discovered something urinated in the drinking pool, many other bad things. And a few animals confess they were in league with snowball, whom was a secret agent of Mr. Jones and are slaughtered by the cruel napoleon. Soon, Beasts of England is banned, weird things happen on the board with the 7 commandments. And it changes to 5 commandments that are different than before! But the bad luck did not stop after that. Frederick, another mean farmer declares war on the animals, and many are killed, and the windmill burnt down. But the animals still fought hard enough to repel Frederick. Boxer, a hardworking horse known to say 2 things: "Comrade Napoleon is always right", and I'll work harder".was hit in the knee, and hoof. And his 12th birthday was nearing. But the cruel napoleon sends him to be killed. As he wants animals that can work still. But later, squealer, the pig that sends out the news says that boxer died in the hospital. Which was a lie. Man, pigs are smart but they are evil too! Years pass, and many animals pass away. Moses the lazy raven returns, and continues to tell lies about sugar land, a place in the high skies. Will the bad luck go on in the animal farm? Will the farm be able to survive? Will napoleon do more evils? Read the book to find out.

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