Monday, January 27, 2014

Steve Jobs

Hi, I will be really surprised if you don't know me, but since I look a little different today, let me give you a hint. I live not far away from your school. I revolutionized several industries in the world, computing, telecommunications, music and movies. I like eating apples. If you still don't know me, well I created iPhone, iPad and MAC. Yes, I am Steve Jobs and today I would like to share a few advice to the 5th grades.

1. Do what you love
People with passion can change the world for better. Life is too short for living someone elses's dream. And if you haven't found your passion, keep looking, don't settle.

2. Put a dent in the universe
 During seventies when only hobbyist knew what computer was, I believe I can put the computer in the hands of everyday people. So I formed the apple team with my friend Steve Wozniak to create a computer that everyday people would feel comfortable using. Eventually that led to the computer that changed everything - the Macintosh.

3. Connect things to spark your creativity
Creativity is just connecting things. I often connected things from different fields. For example I studied calligraphy in college which has no practical value in my life at that time. But I was interested and had passion about it. Later my calligraphy experience would find its way into the MAC.

4. Say no to 1,000 things
Innovation comes from saying "no" to 1000 things. This speaks to simplicity. That is why there is only one button in front of iPad and iPhone. Even 3 years old kids or 90 years old grandma know how to play iPad or iPhone. It is all because I always ask everyone including myself, "What can we remove?"

5. Master the message
You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can not communicate, it doesn't matter. So here I am, I am present in front of all of you to inspire you, educate you and entertain you, all just in 2 minutes. I like to present the words with pictures, so you will remember what I said with a visual image.
(show the picture of Steve Job)

6. Dream bigger
Dream bigger, see genius in your craziness. Believe yourself, believe your vision and come up with the ideas. Because it is those ideas that change the world.

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