Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What happens next

Ladies..... OUCH! And gentle... EEEKK... men. To... AAAIII! ....night we are having the most amazing show... AAAAAH! ever! As you have been waiting for years now's the... OWOWOWOW!!!!!!!! Chance for     you to.... HEEELLLP! watch the show and now really...... EEEEYYOUCH! "Who is pinching me"??????? Says  the Magician, he looks down, no body. Well for all let the tricks begin! First of all is Stanley the mime! The mime comes out and zwippy! He slips on the wet floor and KLONK! he goes to the hospital. Well, never mind that! Look at, Levin the poem singer! he comes in the stage but he gets hit by a cane from the roof. Well the famous knife throwing... Ramon Zaire! He comes but... Punchie! he gets hit by a boxing glove. The magic man says: Sorry but we will be cancelling the show tonight! Well, first of all the person that did this was me! HEE! HEE! HEE!     

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