Friday, February 3, 2012

Bread touch

Today before Phys Ed I sneaked away to see if the bread was still there, and sure enough it was. That cheese had been sitting around since last spring 2012. I guess it must've fell off somebody's sandwich  or something. But then the piece of bread started getting nastier and nastier nobody  wanted to play on the basketball court even though it was the only court with a ring and a hoop, but one day Dominic accidentally touched the bread with his finger, nobody wanted to touch him and that is what started this thing called the bread touch. The bread touch is like the cheese touch but even worse. I thought that it already ended but boy, I am wrong. But then Today Evans touched the cheese and no one wanted to touch him either. So this summer he moved away to another state, I hope the whole indecent has ended because I am getting tired of the bread touch.

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