Monday, February 13, 2012

The Legend of Spud Murphy

This is my book project:

The Legend of Spud Murphy,
Marty and William Woodsman are really weird brothers. They keep inviting their really crazy friends every summer. So their parents decide to get the brothers out of the house, they want to send Marty and William to the library. The boys heard that the librarian Mrs. Murphy is a really dangerous because of the spud gun she has under her desk. But their parents think Spud is a kind old librarian. When they go to the library she gives the boys pink cards which means stay in the kids section on the carpet. While in the library Marty decides to mess around with the books in the adults section. He did mess up the books but when he started messing up the reference sheets, Spud caught him and made him fix the mess he had done. The next day, when they were pretending to read, the boys got so interested in the story it was telling. But the very next day, they ran out books, so Will gets this book, Spies in Siberia. The brothers were interested in reading that but, Spud found out that Will took the book because she noticed the book in William's pocket. When she made Will come to her desk  he thought he was going to get spudded but instead he got a blue card! Murphy said that he deserved it because he left the carpet for a book. So nowadays Marty and Will know Angela, the Librarian's real name, she is nice.

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