Thursday, February 16, 2012

Problems with some girls

You might need to know why Susan Lockwood the smartest girl in middle school is staying inside for recess. Because Mr. Aden our teacher caught her taking the Science book from his desk. Well, I will tell you people about the story: In the middle of Chemistry, Mr. Aden was going to get the Science book but he got upset that somebody stole it. So he said that he was going to find the instruction book. While he was gone a lot of us guys wanted to find whoever took the book. The person Nigel and I interrogated was Sammy Jaw, we told him to take out everything in his desk but he said there was none of the Science book. And the person Levin Jenson and Casey Lender interrogated was Diane Brew. Of course she did not have the novel either. But Corey Vend saw that Susan had the book. We called Our teacher and he told Sue had to stay after school this afternoon. So that is the whole story but do you believe that I am in middle school now?

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