Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Graffiti is a type of thing that is against the law. It is basically spraying bad words Like El Grampo and El Barto.
Here are some tips about graffiti: First of all, graffiti isn't always happening.              
Second of all, it sometimes happens. Like if you sprayed a word like Judson rules! You could definitely go to the judge and spend 15 years in jail. Luckily I don't spray anything bad of course like Yin Yang on the school property. And I don't want to hear about the rest of graffiti. 

Monday, February 27, 2012


Do you want to know who invented the basic of physics? Well of course it is Albert Einstein! Here is his Biography: Albert Einstein was born in some kinda place where I don't know. when he started school he taught himself about all sorts of stuff,but he was really bad at maths then. A few of you people think this is funny, in fact it is! But luckily Albert got to middle school, then high school. But in high school all those teachers were strict and he found out there were no place for his independent thoughts. When he grew up he tried many jobs like being a tutor, a teacher an finally a scientist. He had lots of great ideas, that he became a celebrity. He even stuck his tongue out when he was famous. Albert died some day  but now you now who invented physics.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Schrodinger's cat

This type of story is physics: You see, If you lock Mr. Schrodinger's cat in a box full of detonators the bomb blows up. You want to find out what happened to that cat but you do not want to since there are extra Detonators buried. Either the cat could maybe been blown up or he didn't blow up. Either he can be dead and alive but that is not another option. People think he is dead and some people think he is alive. But actually nobody knows for sure.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Restaurant Brawl

Levin, Nigel, Casey, and I are sitting at a table in the restaurant Bryce Ingersoll our friend had set up with his friends. We are talking then Nick Ovate starts to call me an idiot. I call him a soda brain then we grab each other and say, "Lets take this outside"! Then Nick Punches me but I push him into Susan Lockwood's table, this started making Susan hit him. Chirac Lenders sees her punch his brother. He kicks Susan. This was starting a huge brawl, everyone fought then Levin, me, and Sammy Jaw heard Bryce saying, "This was not what I thought of". 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Everyone is an artist

I am walking down main street. Well it is pretty weird to say but....Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R2-D2 is a mime! Oh I will AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Look! Mr. Henry Jones is an artist! How weird... Maybe OH! Joker is a mime too! That does not bother me since Joker wears a lot of make-up. Whoa...YAAAAAA! Why is Darth vader an artist too? Doesn't he hate people?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Locker

Andrew and I are standing in front of the school lockers during recess. Then we see Keith Everton the popular kid in my grade. He tells us that he is lost and Cannot find his class. I tell him to stand in front of my locker. I dial, 8305 then EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I thought it was my locker instead it was Vane's science project in his locker! Well, I guess my plan backfired a little bit. Hey, I think Keith is gone! Maybe he ran away from the smell.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lego customs

You know, I have a lot of customs but I am just lying. Well, I have 2 custom weapons. a knife and a gun. But I am sure whenever I come up to Cary's I think he is hiding all of his Lego guns in a closet or something. If you need to learn about a cool Lego guy, the only customs I can think about are call of duty and Batman. By the way, in the picture of Batman, Joker would maybe freak you out a little. But they don't sell him in any store, He is just a custom. Like always. By the way just look at these pictures.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Joking around

I am reading in my room,

I  hear a knock at the door,
The mail man gives me a box, Zaaaaaaappppppppp!
"He says "Oops I gave you Freddy's box".

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The stink bomb

You might know why our Katie Sue and  Cody Henderson are in the office with the principal complaining to them, because they accidentally set of the stink bomb. Well you should listen to this: While we were in chemistry, the whole school's doors was open to give us fresh air. Mr. Aden explained to us about the experiments we were making. He started to talk about who we partner up with, I was lucky because I got to be with Nigel one of my friends, Of course Levin Jenson and Casey Lender were happy too because they also got picked as partners. Because they are friends of mine that get along with each other. But Katie Sue wasn't glad with her partner because Cody Henderson is not her friend. When the work started everyone in class were doing the right assignment but Katie and Cody forgot 'bout' what they were supposed to do so they looked at Levin's work but he felt Cody's chin on him which made him drop his mixer in their mixer which caused the bomb to happen. Luckily the whole school did not blow up of hurt anyone, but Levin, Casey, Nigel, and I were mad at them even though they apologized, but believe me, kids are always doing that.      

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Problems with some girls

You might need to know why Susan Lockwood the smartest girl in middle school is staying inside for recess. Because Mr. Aden our teacher caught her taking the Science book from his desk. Well, I will tell you people about the story: In the middle of Chemistry, Mr. Aden was going to get the Science book but he got upset that somebody stole it. So he said that he was going to find the instruction book. While he was gone a lot of us guys wanted to find whoever took the book. The person Nigel and I interrogated was Sammy Jaw, we told him to take out everything in his desk but he said there was none of the Science book. And the person Levin Jenson and Casey Lender interrogated was Diane Brew. Of course she did not have the novel either. But Corey Vend saw that Susan had the book. We called Our teacher and he told Sue had to stay after school this afternoon. So that is the whole story but do you believe that I am in middle school now?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Poptropica tips - Where to find all the big Nate comic strips

1. Pop-In Shoppe – On the green couch, on the top floor.
2. Klassic Komix – Talk to the guy to receive the frame.
3. Photo Studio – On top of the light, to the right.
4. Main Street – On a telegraph pole, to the very right of the street.
5. Inside the School – On a speaker, on the top floor.
6. Science Lab – On the Planet Mobil, to the left.
7. Outside the School – On the wooden scaffolding, to the right of the school.
8. The Playground – Floating in the air, on top of the climbing wall.
9. Puffin Point – On top of the lighthouse. Pop-In Shoppe – On the green couch, on the top floor.

Best days ever!!!!!!!!

1. The day of Kyle's birthday
2. The play-date at Jeff's house
3. Day of Christmas
4. Vacation to Lego-land
5. When I met  Nathan
6. Nathaniel's Birthday party
7. Trip to Tahoe

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Legend of Spud Murphy

This is my book project:

The Legend of Spud Murphy,
Marty and William Woodsman are really weird brothers. They keep inviting their really crazy friends every summer. So their parents decide to get the brothers out of the house, they want to send Marty and William to the library. The boys heard that the librarian Mrs. Murphy is a really dangerous because of the spud gun she has under her desk. But their parents think Spud is a kind old librarian. When they go to the library she gives the boys pink cards which means stay in the kids section on the carpet. While in the library Marty decides to mess around with the books in the adults section. He did mess up the books but when he started messing up the reference sheets, Spud caught him and made him fix the mess he had done. The next day, when they were pretending to read, the boys got so interested in the story it was telling. But the very next day, they ran out books, so Will gets this book, Spies in Siberia. The brothers were interested in reading that but, Spud found out that Will took the book because she noticed the book in William's pocket. When she made Will come to her desk  he thought he was going to get spudded but instead he got a blue card! Murphy said that he deserved it because he left the carpet for a book. So nowadays Marty and Will know Angela, the Librarian's real name, she is nice.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Poptropica customization

Welcome to the world of Poptropica. Have you ever seen a character with WAY cool stuff like revolvers, knifes and sunglasses and you wish you had them? No big deal, you can get them from the other person! Let me show you the trick:
1. You see the dude with the cool things.
2. You click on the green shirt that has the word customize when you put your mouse on it.
3. After you click that shirt you have to select the character with your favourite stuff.
4. And you see yourself with the person with your things you want in the customization screen.
5. And you click on any of the things you want an it will be put on you.
6. Click on the accept or cancel buttons to close.
7. Enjoy the game with your cool things!
Tip: The stuff you get is not the item in your inventory. So if you removed them they will get lost.

Joker versus the mime part 1

Here is the story I wrote so far: It is called Joker versus the mime. You might have seen this on flicker. But his one is the story: Well it has the mime walking exploring the streets in Goth am city until those mean Joker goons come out of nowhere! They try to shoot the mime with their toxic gas launchers, but the mime is too smart for them. He uses the invisible box shield to block the bombs! But still, he was unlucky because the bombs blew him and his shield. Seconds later he found himself in the warehouse of doom! What will happen next?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sand Protest

Well, I guess things are back to normal again, because Yesterday Cary Chung, he appreciated me helping him build a really nice sand fort with Andrew and  Kevin. And another good advice was that I started hanging out with them after school again. But now lets say that today was the last day of school. And I got a yearbook At the end of the day of course. After Reading Academy when I got home I flipped the pages of the book and then saw the picture of  Kofi!!! He was the one who wrecked Cary's sand fort on January 10 2012! Um...  Confused? Let me tell you about this: Earlier on January Cary, William, Kevin, Andrew and I saw that our sand fort had been demolished! And we knew Kofi did it because he was not thinking that we built the fortress! Oh how Cary hated him then! But of course I could trace a thing that says Jerk or something and I think that Cary would like whatever I wrote on Kofi.  

Friday, February 10, 2012

rectangular madness

Oh well you might want to know why Dad had thrown this camera away, well, he was really mad when the camera uploaded   to a mix-up. And know here is the history: Well I was standing in front to get my picture taken for the Christmas cards because he was tired of having relatives coming over to our house. Surely when FLASH! I smiled but Dad seemed pretty mad about the photo because one look and.. AAAAAUUUGGGHH!!!!!!!!!! All of my body had been changed to rectangles! So that is why Dad threw this piece of trash away.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Saw blades of the world

You might want to know why dad is at the hospital. Well, listen he cut his hand from building a tree house for us, well he just sawed a wood and got his hand in the way, so that is how he cut his hand. But... DAD hates saws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell you why: they hurt a lot, and they are really sharp! But to tell you Dad hates sharp.  And I do not think that I wrote it earlier. But know since he used a saw know he REALLY hates all kinds of saws, chainsaws, normal saws, and fire-fighter saws! Oh, boy I bet I will hear him cursing all kinds of saws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What happens next

Ladies..... OUCH! And gentle... EEEKK... men. To... AAAIII! ....night we are having the most amazing show... AAAAAH! ever! As you have been waiting for years now's the... OWOWOWOW!!!!!!!! Chance for     you to.... HEEELLLP! watch the show and now really...... EEEEYYOUCH! "Who is pinching me"??????? Says  the Magician, he looks down, no body. Well for all let the tricks begin! First of all is Stanley the mime! The mime comes out and zwippy! He slips on the wet floor and KLONK! he goes to the hospital. Well, never mind that! Look at, Levin the poem singer! he comes in the stage but he gets hit by a cane from the roof. Well the famous knife throwing... Ramon Zaire! He comes but... Punchie! he gets hit by a boxing glove. The magic man says: Sorry but we will be cancelling the show tonight! Well, first of all the person that did this was me! HEE! HEE! HEE!     

Rako Harden

I like Rako Hardeen because he has a really cool sniper rifle and he has 2 really, really really
cool custom suits. And another reason I like him is that he partners up with Cad Bane and some other kind of weird Bounty hunter. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Experiment of iPad games

An iPad is a sort of a device that you use to write stuff, play games, and more. But what I am talking about now is that also create your  Favourite games there. But that is not all, you also experiment with the games. Or see mini clip there. How you experiment the game is that you do sort of a try-out. Like what I did in Gravity guy. and Fragger desert strike. I'll tell you what to do if you want to do with a game if you want to experiment one.
 Step one: find a game that you like on the App store.
Step two: see if it is age appropriate,non-violent, and good, but make sure to to see description and the review, which has these number of stars, if it is 5 stars it means good .
Step three: if free Download it. But you need iTune account.
Step four: do the experiment that to find out if it is good.
Step five: if it is great enjoy the game! 
Well, I did not think of the steps but My mother did all those steps.  But of course now you know what the experiment is about.

Gun games

As you are really interested in violence let me show you about the ones that I had been playing for 2 or 3 times, but I will be sure that it will be long so let me show you three types: Time crisis 3 Terminator Salvation and Metal slug 5.  Of course as you thought your idea was be a gunman but you are wrong, it will have to take about 9 years to have a gun, even if you are the son of a cop. It has no right for a person besides a policeman to have a gun, But believe me, I am not really ready to be a cop yet. But for defensibly you are supposed to use revolvers, flame-throwers, bazookas of anything like that.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nicknames for ?

1. Coke robber
2. Pain-a-Tron-3000
3. Dark side of the sun
4. Arrow-face
5. The little rat
6. The riot
7. Poop-head
8. Pass the gravy
9. Evil Dad
10. Man-hater
11. fool
12. slug-boy
13. Kite butt
14. mimer
15. injustice knee
16. Spice-brain
17. Crocy
18. Craziest
19. Weirdo
20. Flanged by peas

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bread touch

Today before Phys Ed I sneaked away to see if the bread was still there, and sure enough it was. That cheese had been sitting around since last spring 2012. I guess it must've fell off somebody's sandwich  or something. But then the piece of bread started getting nastier and nastier nobody  wanted to play on the basketball court even though it was the only court with a ring and a hoop, but one day Dominic accidentally touched the bread with his finger, nobody wanted to touch him and that is what started this thing called the bread touch. The bread touch is like the cheese touch but even worse. I thought that it already ended but boy, I am wrong. But then Today Evans touched the cheese and no one wanted to touch him either. So this summer he moved away to another state, I hope the whole indecent has ended because I am getting tired of the bread touch.