Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Sanmao is a popular cartoon Chinese kid that has been around since my Mom was born, Sanmao
 is pretty strange because he has only 3 hairs, hater of children's day,(Which is a Chinese holiday.),  then never seeing what radios, and high heels in his entire life, always getting hit by a car, Sanmao has no parents because I guess they accidentally lost him or deceased. Having life like a beggar, this boy was not like any other poor people because he had so many experiences that no other beggar possibly even in the whole shanghai even had. so now onto the two books. You can either read it in Chinese or English. In book one, Sanmao meets the cruel rich people, even worse policemen, and  some nicer people  who say he can live with them.  
I thought Sanmao's life with a fisherman was good, Life with a boy and his family was just as good. But life with a printer wasn't as good but life with a busker was a little better. And The boy's life with another beggar was also good but, there was a time When he lived with a gang of thieves. And what book two's about  is Sanmao Joining the army in the war against Japan. Which can say he is brave like no other.           

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