Thursday, July 18, 2013

History of dogs

Dogs. An animal that has been around for thousands of years, a descendant of wolves, and able to sniff out the target. Ever since the first wolf was born, it was a hunter that gave cavemen the idea to tame them and use them for finding food. But unfortunatley, dogs in the stone age were different than today's. Then, after the first cat came out, times changed for the dogs. They had a new prey their size. Then after the stone age, dogs  were used for the same role in the ice age. Hunting furry mammoths, the ancestors of elephants. And dogs were also for protecting their tribe from bears. Then we come upon the actions of dogs. There are still questions about them, like why do they chase squirrels, and their tails, and why do they use fire hydrants for a bathroom? These answers are a mystery, and may remain one. Now back to the roles of the dogs. In the 1900s, dogs were to protect their owner's ranches from cattle thieves or their wolf ancestors, and then worked in fire departments, police departments, and the military  Each job had one dog type. Time by time, dogs have changed into a hero, a friend, and still a hunter.

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