Saturday, April 7, 2012


Death is mainly known as the loss of anybody that you like, well, that word was invented a long time ago when more than 1,000,000,000,000 deaths were recorded. People from left and right died with fever, and sickness. Humans can die of terrible weathers, war, and famine. But it's mostly the terror weathers, and dumping trash on others, which isn't in my top three death list. Some people think making the sickness bleed out helps, but that never does. And other things that can kill is poison, and also dangerous animals. Like these cryptids animals, like the Chupacabra, Bigfoot, Jersey devil, Cadbosaurous willsi, Nessie, Goatman, Giant catfish, Morgrawr, and all types of them, Kill with a capital K. Some people survive after they lose a part of their body, like mister hammer from the Batman series.