Monday, September 19, 2016

Ted Talks

It's amazing how people can come up with such creative ideas unexpectedly. Yesterday, we watched a video called Ted Talks, which is a sort of global conference that focuses on talks such as technology, science, cultural, academic, etc. Well the video we watched was about a boy living in Africa named Richard Turene. Now, people in Africa had been killing lions because they were killing cattle, but Richard did not like that idea despite his hatred of lions, and had come up with several solutions that didn't work out so well. First of all, he tried using fire, but all that did was give the lions the ability to see cattle at night. Then, he tried out a scarecrow, but that only worked for a few hours. The lions would see the scarecrow and say, "That's a human, we should leave." But later, they will just realize that its not actually a human and just go kill the cattle. However, Richard eventually discovered the weakness of lions; movement. So he used some lights they use for motorcycles which flash on/off as long it is turned on by a switch, so the lions would think that someone was walking around the livestock and leave them alone. This idea was so genius, several others asked Richard to set up lights around their cattle too. In fact, he even got a scholarship. After seeing this video, I was utterly amazed. If you did not know, Africa is a poor country, so ways to control lions are very limited, but still, someone managed to find a new and better solution just with lights.

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