Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ted Talks 2

So yesterday night, we watched another Ted Talks video, but this one was an older video (the one with Richard Turene was in 2013, the one I watched was made in 2009). Now you all are wondering, what the heck was this video even about? Well, it was about an Indian man named Pranav Mistry explaining his idea about a some sort of digital object you wear on your neck along with a few differently colored thimbles, if they are worn together, you can use everyday objects like a piece of paper as devices like iPhones or iPads. Pranav claimed that the real world and the digital world have a very large gap between them, but his invention would fill the gap, therefore preventing humankind from becoming merely machines sitting at their desks, using other machines. I think this invention was AMAZING! Though I still do not know why I don't see anyone else actually using this device.

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