Sunday, August 4, 2013

black holes

Scourges of space! ultra vacuums! The death star!  We are talking about.... Black holes! Black holes are black and round mysterious menaces in space that have been eating up stars and planets for a very long time! Back then, people always said "Black holes are just stupid superstitions"! because they were not known by people for a while. But one day, an astronomer had discovered a strange effect going on in space. Which was a star getting sucked in by a black hole! Pretty soon people had decided they were wrong. According to popular beliefs, scientists thought black holes could be a portal to other galaxies! Black holes are born from a dying star. then the young black hole starts eating the rest of the star before it even finds out! How barbaric! Black holes, if you want to know its power, it is really awful! It can suck in even light! So that is why it is black. An example of a black hole suck in is if a rocket came in, all it would be inside is plain black things. Then if it pointed the camera backwards, it would see stars being eaten!  There is actually a black hole in the milky way, but luckily, it is very far away from earth. Now in conclusion, there may be a rocket that will survive black hole experience in the future if anyone is curious about how the inside of these star eaters look.

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