Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My dream in minecraft

Today I am talking about my minecraft dream. So this is the dream: Me, Kyle, Andrew, Will, Will, Nate,and Brandon, as our minecraft chararters were in a helicopter to Herobrine's castle and found a jeep,then we suddenly encountered a group of zombies. We shot and shot out guns but more kept comming! "There's too many"! Shouted Will B,that was driving. so I used a grenade, and KABOOOM! The zombies blew up. Then we got into Herobrine's castle and we took 2 minecarts. Then we ecountered Lava slimes! I poured water all over the area and the firey slimes melted. Then we got off the jeep and Brandon asks,"Where are we"? I say "Inside the castle. And then I show a map. Then, while we walk Brandon falls into a Lava pit! "Brandon!" I shout. Then Will S says, "We have to move on". "All right". I say. Then Will S screams when he gets eaten by spiders! "Hungry for more"? I say, "Then eat this!" We say firing our guns. And the spiders die. Then we get into Herobrine's throne room. "You fools shall die!" He says. Then he told Nate to get up there and Nate thinks, If I could get my knife...then he kill herobrine! He got eaten and the guys say "Nooooo!" And they shoot the zombie villagers and then gave Nate a life potion. And He revived. Then a giant serpent comes out! We get in the minecart shoot the serpent and then finally kill it! then we got in the minecart and said We made it!

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