Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to survive: A zombie attack

You know Zombies a not real but if they were real what will you do? Follow these tips if you wanna live: 1. Gather up things like weapons, First aid, Tight clothes, Grenades, ( you have some.) Flashlights because zombies cannot see with lights on, and hard objects. 2. If the Zombies break in use your weapons. You could use a gun or an ax, but an ax is the best defensive object. The best way to kill a zombie is to break its head off. Turn on your flash light that way you an kill zombies faster. You can run a zombie over with a car too but you wouldn't do that if there were something like 1,200 zombies in your yard. 3. Electric tools are a great idea but worker chain saws are too heavy and bulky something bad might happen to you. So use the light kind. 4. Zombies might have weapons too like a gun. If they do you'll also need 'ta' have a gun. I guess that is it.

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