Monday, May 14, 2012

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born on Feb-11 1847 in Port Huron. As a child, he was a a curious and had hard time hearing because of a disease. It went away shortly, but he still had trouble hearing. So, he was suspended from school. His Mom taught him at home. And at age 12 he read a lot of books. (In his childhood he liked to read.) And when he was a teenager, he left home to be a telegraph operator. After that, he set up his own Science lab and hired many assistants. His first success was when he invented the phonograph. A voice-recording device. It was a success a little bit, but, when Edison invented the light bulb it was more than a total success! Edison became totally rich because of changing the entire world with long-lasting light bulbs. Thomas even created a novel of the famous robot, Steam man! Tom died at age 84 of poor health and had a private funeral on October 21. After that, the entire city of New York turned off light by light at ten in the evening to honour the loss of Thomas Alva Edison. The man who lit up the entire world.

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