Sunday, May 20, 2012

stick wars 3 attack

Dark lord Doom hates peace. So, he decides to destroy all the fun in the entire world. So, he creates a deadly potion. After that, he prepares his men and of creates a deadly soul pit! He and his men waits for the army of peace. Finally, they arrive to protect their village! Doom sends out many deadly soldiers! Archers shoot from the castle towers! The dark lord unleashes his Grim reaper! Peacefulness is dying! More armies come! Later, The evil lord throws the deadly potion! Poisoning all the men as they fight! The poison gets to the flame hurlers and blows everything up! After all the dying, the mixture of the poison gas spreads to the blood, then the flames, and then destroys all of the dead men in the battlefield! Doom watches and feels like he is powerful!

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