Monday, June 27, 2016

A Dog's Life

Recently, I have finished a novel called A Dog's Life, by author Ann M. Martin. This story is told from a stray dog's point of view in life. At first, she has a family which are a mother, and her brother, named Bone. The main character's name is Squirrel, which is a pretty weird name. Her life is perfect, until she is separated from the rest of her family. The story is something like Zhang Leping's comic book, Sanmao, which is about a boy who lives on his own. Only difference is, after their mother disappears, Squirrel is with Bone for a brief time, while in Sanmao, he is all alone. However, Squirrel and Bone eventually part ways after a human takes him for a pet, while leaving Squirrel behind. Then, Squirrel must face the dangers of strays' lives. Changing seasons, very busy highways, and other humans. Along the story, Squirrel has all sorts of adventures. One of them is meeting another stray, which looks like Bone, named Moon. For a big part of the book, they explore the rest of the world together, finding new towns, until a fateful day when a truck accidentally hits both dogs, and kills Moon. After being taken from the truck driver's family to the vet, Squirrel lives with them for the whole summer, until they move back to the city leaving her behind. Lonely again, Squirrel ages time to time, until she is too old to hunt. Her life is hard, until she meets a friend who will change the rest of her life forever. What's crazy, is that this book was actually inspired by the author's dog.

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