Monday, April 25, 2016

The Red Scarf Girl/Wednesday Wars Compare and contrast

The books "The Red Scarf Girl" by David Henry Hwang and "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary Schmidt both have their similarities and differences. Let's start on differences. Both books are different, because the protagonist of "Wednesday Wars", Holling Hoodhood, lives in America, whereas Ji-Li Jiang, the protagonist of "Red Scarf Girl" lives in China. Holling has a father who is a wealthy businessman, Ji-Li has a dad who is an actor. And then there is the things they worry about; In "Wednesday Wars", our protagonist lives in constant fear of the stereotypically brutal eighth graders at his school, and Ji-Li always worries about her house being searched, or being teased at school. And there is the main part of the story, Holling has a teacher whom he thinks hates him (actually not), Ji-Li wishes to be one of the liberation army's "red guards". There are more differences, but now, lets move on to similarities. For example, the time both stories take place are close, 1967, 1966. Also, the protagonists are the same ages (both 12). In fact, they both have done some pretty stupid things in their life. Holling accidentally spread chalk dust into some cream puffs, & Ji-Li hid a letter to some sort of municipal party in a litter box, which her cat revealed. There were also some seriously bad luck they had suffered throughout the story, Holling, for a Shakespeare play, was given a costume that had yellow tights and white feathers on its butt. Ji-Li was searched, TWICE! So in conclusion, the "Wednesday Wars" and "Red Scarf Girl" have many things in common, and many different things.  

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