Saturday, April 27, 2013

Minecraft Gold

When I think about gold in Minecraft, it reminds me of the gold rush, sky does Minecraft, who calls gold butter.  And I am talking about gold today! Gold is an item in the game that is a stone block with gold patterns. It could be 4 things: An ore an item, a block, and tools.  This Ore is very rare, so be careful with it. Smelting the gold ore along with coal can make a gold bar. Like diamond, this resource is also for decoration. How it looks like treasure, most people do not use gold even though it is the most enchantable.  The gold blocks can defy gravity, and there is an object that is called a pressure panel that can kill. Zombie pigmen can drop gold swords, but this chance is mostly 10%. Hey, Putting gold ingots in a chest can make a treasure chest!

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