Saturday, March 24, 2012

UFO attacks

Have you ever wondered how come you always see red,blue,yellow,and green lights in the sky at night? It means that there are aliens attacking us! Call the ADU! Prepare the guns! Prepare the army! There is an invasion! Well, maybe it it just aeroplanes with dumb o'l lights flashing at us. There are these movie's where aliens come into Earth. Either to visit the place of conquer it. Like in E.T., he is left behind in earth. And in Chicken little he has to save the planet from a evil invasion. Just for the search if anyone took their leftover son. In the Lego alien conquest there are soldiers that fight aliens. And in the Power Rangers, Jayden,Mike,Emily,Mia,Kevin,Adam,Zhane,Jason, and Tommy, (the power rangers) fight Xandred and Serrator's minions. And In Cough!Cough! Cough! Excuse me, I have a cold.

Doesn't this guy look like an alien?!


  1. you got that cold yestrday i hade a sore throat then i am sorry

  2. matthew get me some books here is a list of them:a dictionary of fabulous beasts,Cryptozoology a to z, The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide,and in the wake of sea serpents

  3. mind if i use your pictre some time?
