Saturday, March 31, 2012

The living dead

The living dead is basically a very odd story where these walking dead people go around,killing people, that the military has to destroy em'. Here is a good guess of why the zombies kill: It is maybe they got mad and took revenge of he humans. And I think that is the dead's problem. Boy, these days, kids all over like me, are creating weird, deadly battles of the military and some group 'a' zombies. But violence, it TOTALLY

Twisted thicket island Poptropica

If twisted thicket island is coming out, What in the world does it look like? Here are my guesses: Would it have many bad guys? Or... will it be like Nabooti island? Or the place is hard? Nobody found out about this yet.... and I can never, ever tell about these images:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TV shows

TV is a type of electric machine that shows many of your favorite things to watch. Some of the shows are boring, some are lame, and even funny! In many places, you can find these techno screens. Poptropica, one of the most famous games ever, has an island called reality TV Island, which is like a real TV. The problem is, nobody ever watches TV anymore, but kids still play games on television.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Onions are big smelly veggies that can make anything smelly in 1 minute!! I totally hate all of those veggies because for another reason, stinky things are ugly with a capital u! Not only are onions smelly but zombies,garlic,and dead things also smell!!!! I wonder if onio...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I guess this is gross. But forget this. Here are some opinions about smelly things: 1. They are ugly! 2: I hate smelly things! 3: I CANNOT stand onions!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

UFO attacks

Have you ever wondered how come you always see red,blue,yellow,and green lights in the sky at night? It means that there are aliens attacking us! Call the ADU! Prepare the guns! Prepare the army! There is an invasion! Well, maybe it it just aeroplanes with dumb o'l lights flashing at us. There are these movie's where aliens come into Earth. Either to visit the place of conquer it. Like in E.T., he is left behind in earth. And in Chicken little he has to save the planet from a evil invasion. Just for the search if anyone took their leftover son. In the Lego alien conquest there are soldiers that fight aliens. And in the Power Rangers, Jayden,Mike,Emily,Mia,Kevin,Adam,Zhane,Jason, and Tommy, (the power rangers) fight Xandred and Serrator's minions. And In Cough!Cough! Cough! Excuse me, I have a cold.

Doesn't this guy look like an alien?!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Jersey Devils

New Jersey devils are these kind of flying,big fat ugly flying creatures from Legends. Like the Bigfoot, Loch Nessie,the Chupacarbra, and Giant Squid. You see, all of these guys are just harmless, legendary guys which might not be real. But that Chupacarbra is really harmful. I am so afraid of him. Since, he bites a lot. But the devil, is not scary. And if this ever scare.....EEEEEEKKKKKKK! Sorry. I think the Jersey devil touched me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Try and guess this crossword puzzle:



Sunday, March 18, 2012


Tin tin and I are sitting on the porch. With nothing to entertain us. We just feel like prisoners, held captive until ransom is payed. Actually our parents just told us to go out since the weather is so nice. Wait a minute! We have bubble gum! First of all, I chew. What we are doing is to see who will blow the biggest bubble ever. Then Tin tin lifts a finger then.. POOOPP! It explodes. Next, Tin tin chews the gum. I try and poke a needle in there, but instead POOOOOOOPPPPPP! It sticks on my darn face again.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

saint patrick's day 2012

This is the trick I made for Saint Patrick's day!!!

Saint Patrick's day

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gnome mix up names

Try and guess which name fits the best on each gnome.
Middle school dude
Sir rip it up
Fine to me
Rubik's solver
I rule
I am lucky
Little kid hater
Cocasion friend
American boy
He is an old type of friend

Gnomes (Actually people)
Matthew L
Matthew N

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why I like dogs

I likes dogs since they are really cute! I also like cats but not that much. Since a dog is less dangerous than a cat. I don't really have a dog yet but, over these years, I've been meeting lots of those friendly pets. Well, I never seen a real live cat face before but this summer I might meet my cousin which just adopted a cat, it is really black and has yellow eyes which probably glows in the dark. If you ever seen cats with glow in the dark eyes, it probably is an alley cat since they have glowing eyes. And puss in boots looks more of a tiger with glowing eyes, but now let's get back to the dogs, oh where was I? Oh.. at t second sentence. Mark my words, my future dog is a Samoyed. A white dog.

Slippery Shadow

Slippery Shadow is my Poptropica character. He is like most of your guys but has a different name. Here are some pictures of him:

By the way, he had many different costumes.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Clown wars

Have you ever wondered why normal people like mimes and weirdos like clowns? Well it means war!!!!
Here is my story: Dinky the clown is a mime-hater, he is walking down the bombed out village to destroy mimes Then twos mimes in green uniforms grab him! Dinky is in prison. But he has a chainsaw and busts outta there! he kills 12 guards but finally honker the strong mime rips his tool. But Dinky takes a crowbar and bashes honk! Next Leonard the second strong mime grabs the weapon. Who will win this battle? Will the clowns and mimes make peace?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

And for my next trick....

Nigel, my friend and I are at the Palo Alto state theatre. We see Leland the mime, Levin the poem man, Carmine the dummy man, and Michael,the Rubik's cube solver. "Next show is Harvey the magician". Says Mr. Specks, the man who tells us about the next shows. Harvey came up, told everyone his tricks he was doing and blahblahblahblahblah. He did the rabbit in the hat trick but everyone booed. He did a lot more but everyone then, threw pies at him. AAAAACCCKKKK! Harvey says. HaHaHaHaHaHa! I say. Now this is personal acting!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nicknames, silly ones

1.Mr. Disrespect
3.It hates me
4.I can't believe it ruins everything
5. Medusa
6. Banned
7. Not fun
8. The black queen
9. More dangerous than I thought
10. Godzilla
11. King Kong
13. Dark side of peace
14. Scale face
15. I am the pain
16. Who am I?

Friday, March 9, 2012

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Life of injustice

A man wakes up on the wrong side of bed because he stepped on his cat and it scratched him. He tried putting on his Make up but he accidentally spilled some in his water. so he spent the whole morning cleaning his cup. At the ark he did all lame mime tricks that everyone hated! So he, walked and fell in a hole. So he went to the hospital. Did I tell you he is so lame?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 reasons Dad hated mimes

1. They are sickening!
2. He hates childish manners.
3. Those tricks are horrible
4. People with make up are stupid.
5. Mimes kill
6. He never enjoys he acts
7. they are creepy
8. they don't talk
9. These guys are accidental-prone
10. since mimes have make up they spread it everywhere!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Cats are on of the most cutest animals on earth because many people own them. Here is the cats that are in the list but I'll write down three since the list is way too long. So far, this is the list: Persian cats Chinese cats and in fact, Egyptian cats. One of my cousins of course, has a cat now. In the first three days he stayed under the bed but now the cat is happy. But believe me, since my friends are here they are good enough to like cats.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Slinger is one of my favourite bounty hunters because he is cool, and killed 12 or 10 robots! I also like his owner Boba because he has a cool Customs helmet that looks like Rako Hardeen's. I cannot find a picture for Slinger

but you might like this picture.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


The Minotaur is some kinda monster freak which you have all seen before, in books, movie's and Videos. But this is the legendary one. A long time ago This king named King Minos kept the monster,half-man-half-bull. He made a man named Dadelus help him build a maze where people fell into the trap and the Minotaur ate them. Dadelus found out that Minos was evil. So he helped a man named Therese kill the Minotaur. I can't really tell the end because that is really sad that you won't want to hear about. But you might'eve read the book so you probably already know about this.