Saturday, July 29, 2017

Japan 2

Also in japan I went to a place with bowing deer. It was supposed to be a temple that deer were sacred to. The deer would bow if you had food and bowed to them. Those deer were very mean too. One of them bit me in the butt. The inside of the temple was also pretty cool. There was a giant statue of Buddah and other statues of other gods. On the last day I went to the aquarium and saw a lot of fish. They had a whale shark there. They also had a lot of puffer fish and a giant salamander that was probably 10 feet long! They also had a sea otter that was taking a bath and everything else you would find at an aquarium.

 longer than this! If you read this you are pretty weird.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

My trip to Japan

It has been a while since I've gone to the other side of the world, so you can imagine how difficult it was for me to adjust to Japan time. Yes, I have been to Japan recently. To summarize, it's really HOT, there are lots of ancient structures(been rebuilt), and we did tons and tons of walking. Just joking! Those were just the majority of things we did in 10 days.

Starting Monday, me, Kyle, Ron and mom went aboard air canada and spent 2 hours on the plane, not doing much other than eat, or watch movies. Think that wasn't too much of a drag? Well, after we got off the air canada plane, we had to apparently board another one, which was when I learned how it was essentially impossible to directly go from the US, to countries like Japan. Now, the flight to Japan was perhaps one of the most tiring parts of the entire trip. For 15 hours straight, I either slept, watched movies, or read books on my tablet. Despite the jet lag, we made it without many issues...... or so we thought. It was already bad enough we had to rearrange our vacation plan, but then, we had to wait for a looooong time for a taxi or bus to take us to the hotel. By the time we got there, we were all tired and not in the mood for talking. AND, IF THAT WASN'T BAD ENOUGH, we would have to leave the next day. Yep, our first day was really rough.

The next day, we left from Tokyo (too bad, I didn't see as much cool stuff as expected) to Kyoto, where staying there would be a little more "permanent". In Kyoto, we did do and see more interesting things, such as going to temples and at one point, eating a lot of barbecued meat(once). That is essentially what we have done in those 3 days, though I do recall at one point, we did go to a street market and check out a cat, owl, and hedgehog cafe. Those, if you are wondering, are where you pay money to look at and pet a certain animal. I think those cafes is what I remember most about Kyoto.

When our 3 days were up, we finally would be staying somewhere other than a hotel in Osaka. Apparently, mom and Ron found someone named Iku, who was kind as to offer us an Air b n b (I dont know how to spell it) room. Courtesy to Iku, she also introduced us to fugu(pufferfish). Something special about fugu is that they are only actually eaten in Japan, and whenever they are, usually the fish is cut up by a professional, so poison is out of the question. Funnily enough, I used to worry about getting poisoned, and the fact the effects are subtle. But, turns out it doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would.

Well, our final day rests at Nagoya, where we were initially going to spend our first day at, but well, I suppose you save the best stuff(not exactly) for last. We did go to two places where instead of chairs, they had cushions for seating. Still, they offered great food.

In conclusion, while Japan was very hot, humid, and involved tons of walking, I did have tons of fun, and had a lot of once-in-a-lifetime experiences, like eating pufferfish, visiting cat cafes, or sleeping on Tatami.